Student Videos

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Former Musiah Student – Now Prize-Winning Virtuoso Pianist

In this video, virtuoso pianist Ariel Waldmann plays Prokofiev. Now age 15, Ariel began learning piano with the Musiah app at age 6.

7yo Attempts Level 3 Piano Challenge – Will she pass?

In this charming video, 7yo Sena attempts the Level 3 Performance Challenge. It’s a live performance filmed in front of both a virtual audience (within the app) and in front of a live audience – her family.

Yuna Park's Special Journey With Musiah

In this very special video, which feels almost like a mini documentary film, Sungchan Park, who recently completed the Musiah course, shares his daughter Yuna’s piano lessons journey with Musiah.

Video: Performance Challenge – Musiah Piano Lessons Level 8

This video shows Yuna Park (age 9) on her first attempt at Performance Challenge at the end of Level 8 of the Musiah piano lessons course.

Piano Video: Musiah Piano Lesson #126 – Gipsy Dance

In this video, Sungchan Park, who recently completed the Musiah piano lessons course, plays Gipsy Dance.

Musiah Student Plays Moonlight Sonata

8 Yr Old Musiah Piano Student Plays Fur Elise

In this piano video, 8 year old Jadon Hopkins from Texas, United States plays "Fur Elise" which is Lesson #101 on the Musiah online piano lessons course.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #129 The Happy Birthday Swing

In this piano video, 13 year old Michael Ortiz from Fullerton CA, United States plays "The Happy Birthday Swing". This is the 3rd last song on the Musiah piano course.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #130 - The Spy Who Practiced

Check out this piano video of Michael Ortiz age 13 from Fullerton CA, USA who plays "The Spy Who Practiced". This is the 2nd last song on the Musiah piano course.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #123 - For He's An African Fellow

In this piano video, 13 year old Michael Ortiz from Fullerton CA, United States plays "For He's An African Fellow". This song is an advanced piece — Piano Lesson #123 from Level 11 of 13 levels.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #125 - We Are The Ones

In this piano video, 13 year old Michael from Fullerton CA, United States plays "We Are The Ones". This song is an advanced piece — Piano Lesson #125 from Level 11 of 13 levels.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #40 - Old MacDonald

In this video, 7 year old Jackson plays "Old MacDonald". This song is from Level 3 of 13, and is a well known song that challenges students by requiring them to play rhythmic passages with precision.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #119 - Sarabande

In this delightful video, 7 year old George plays "Sarabande" — which he learned after only 9.5 months of lessons with Musiah.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #31 - Frere Jacques

In this video, Jackson plays "Frere Jacques" which he learned at age 6 after just 7 weeks of lessons with Musiah. (Jackson was age 7 when this video was made).

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #122 - Bluesin' Around

In this video, 7 year old George plays the advanced piano piece, "Bluesin' Around" — which he learned after only 10.5 months of piano lessons with Musiah.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #32 - Twinkle Twinkle

In this video, Jackson plays Twinkle Twinkle which he learned at age 6 after just 7 weeks of lessons with Musiah. (Jackson was age 7 when this video was made).

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #61 - The Rakes Of Mallow

In this video, Michael, age 13, plays The Rakes Of Mallow This particular piece is Lesson #61 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #20 - Indian Dance

In this video, Joshua, age 9, plays Indian Dance. This particular piece is Lesson #20 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #21 - Pop Goes The Weasel

In this video, Oscar, age 13, plays Pop Goes The Weasel. This particular piece is Lesson #21 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Musiah Piano Lesson #40 - Old MacDonald

In this video, Daniel, age 11, plays Old MacDonald. This particular piece is Lesson #40 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lessons #112 - Sorrow

In this video, piano teacher and Musiah inventor Brendan Hogan plays the well known piece "Sorrow" by Hungarian composer, Bela Bartok — with an original orchestral accompaniment composed and arranged by Brendan himself.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #09 - Mary Had A Leg Of Lamb

In this video, Grace, age 8, plays Mary Had A Leg Of Lamb. This particular piece is Lesson #09 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #106 - Advance Australia Fair

In this video, Brendan Hogan (Musiah Inventor) plays an original keyboard arrangement of the Autralian National Anthem, Advance Australia Fair using a Rock Guitar sound. It's a great fun song to play. This particular piece is Lesson #106 on the Musiah Piano Lesson Course.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #126 - Gipsy Dance

In this video, Brendan Hogan (Musiah Inventor) plays an original composition, a fun piece, called Gipsy Dance. This particular piece is Lesson #126 on the Musiah Piano Lesson Course as is from Level 11 of 13.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #128 - The Worried Ghost

In this video, Brendan Hogan (Musiah Inventor) plays a really fun original character piece composed by Brendan himself entitled "The Worried Ghost". This particular piece is Lesson #128 on the Musiah Piano/Keyboard Lesson Course.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #117 - Celtic Sunrise

In this video, Kristina (an adult student of Musiah’s online piano lessons) plays Celtic Sunrise (Part 1 of 2) by Brendan Hogan. This particular piece is Lesson #117 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus and is a great favorite among Musiah students.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #64 - In The Hall Of The Mountain King

In this video, Leigh (an adult student of Musiah’s online piano lessons) plays “In The Hall Of The Mountain King” — originally a piece of orchestral music composed by Edvard Grieg for the sixth scene of Act II in Henrik Ibsen's play Peer Gynt.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #81 - The Can Can

In this video, Hayley (an adult student of Musiah’s online piano lessons) plays The Can can by Offenbach. This well-known tune is Lesson #81 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #46 - Ode To Joy

In this video, Maurie (an adult student of Musiah’s online piano lessons) plays Ode To Joy (Part 1 of 2). A much-loved tune, this is particular piece is Lesson #46 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #70 - The Willy Tell Overture

In this video, celebrity music maestro and Musiah Ambassador, John Foreman plays The ‘Willy’ Tell Overture (Part 1 of 2). This particular piece is very well known (it was used as the theme for the Pizza Hut TV ads for some years) and is Lesson #70 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #90 - The Happy Vibe

In this video, Hayley (an adult student of Musiah’s online piano lessons) plays The Happy Vibe (Part 1 of 2) by Brendan Hogan. This particular piece is Lesson #90 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #76 - Carnival

In this video, Hayley (an adult student of Musiah’s online piano lessons) plays Carnival (Part 1 of 2). This particular piece is Lesson #76 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus and is a well-known folk tune.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #66 - Polly Wolly

In this video, Leigh (an adult student of Musiah’s online piano lessons) plays the well-known traditional tune “Polly Wolly” (Part 1 of 3). This particular piece is Lesson #66 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Musiah Piano Lesson #130 - The Spy Who Practiced

In this video, Brendan Hogan (Musiah Inventor) plays The Spy Who Practiced. This particular piece is Lesson #130 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #101 - Fur Elise

In this video, Brendan Hogan (Musiah Inventor) plays Fur Elise by Beethoven. This particular piece is Lesson #101 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus and is one of Ludwig Van Beethoven’s most popular compositions.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #116 - Greensleeves

In this video, Brendan Hogan (Musiah Inventor) plays Greensleeves (Part 1 of 2). This particular piece is Lesson #116 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #14 - Big Ben (Part 1)

In this video, Isabella, age 12, plays Big Ben (Part 1 of 3). This particular piece is Lesson #14 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Musiah Piano Lesson #20 - Indian Dance

In this video, Isabella, age 12, plays Indian Dance. This particular piece is Lesson #20 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #16 - 4X4

In this video, Jessica, age 12, plays 4X4 (Part 1 of 2). This particular piece is Lesson #16 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #18 - Playful Fingers

In this video, Ciaran, age 11, plays Playful Fingers. This particular piece is Lesson #18 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #14 - Big Ben

In this video, Jessica, age 12, plays Big Ben (Part 1 of 3). This particular piece is Lesson #14 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #22 - Go Tell Aunt Rhody

In this video, Isabella, age 12, plays Go Tell Aunt Rhody. This particular piece is Lesson #22 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #19 - Let's Mimic

In this video, Elizabeth, age 9, plays Let's Mimic. This particular piece is Lesson #19 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Musiah Piano Lesson #09 - Mary Had A Leg Of Lamb

In this video, Savannah, age 7, plays Mary Had A Leg Of Lamb. This particular piece is Lesson #9 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.

Piano Video: Online Piano Lesson #14 - Big Ben

In this video, Elizabeth, age 9, plays Big Ben (Part 1 of 3). This particular piece is Lesson #14 on the Musiah Piano Syllabus.